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Car thief 6 night crime full download

Version: 25.71.38
Date: 18 May 2016
Filesize: 0.127 MB
Operating system: Windows XP, Visa, Windows 7,8,10 (32 & 64 bits)

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CHARLOTTE, NC ( WBTV) - This car thief should be easy to find. Surveillance caught pictures of a man who was hanging around a stairwell in the Epicenter parking deck late one night. He apparently had been partying because he was struggling with the stairs. You can tell from the video the guy has probably had too much of the sauce. He's kind of stumbling in the stairwell, said CMPD Officer Tori Roddey. The man is wearing very recognizable clothing - a bright green Pac Man shirt with a gold and purple hat with the word California across the front. Three hours after security first spotted him, they found he had nodded off. The guy was asleep in a stairwell downtown here, and a security guy woke him up, telling him, 'hey you can't be around, you got to go home Officer Roddey said. But he didn't go home. Police say by morning, he found an opportunity in that same parking deck. Someone left their car running while talking to a friend. Two hours later while a guy is getting off work from working downtown, his car is running and all of the sudden, his car starts backing up, Officer Roddey said. That same guy jumps in the car and takes off. So what became of the stolen car? He actually drove it around the corner to East 7th Street and Bar Alley and parked it there, Officer Roddey said. At that time he, of course, took everything of value inside that car. Everything, like the owner's cell phone and a wallet with 0 cash. But he really shouldn't be difficult to identify. If anybody knows who he is, they'll definitely - when they see that video - they'll say 'hey, I know that guy.' Can you help? Please call Crime Stoppers at. You won't have to leave a name and you could earn some cold hard cash. Copyright 2015 WBTV. All rights reserved.
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